Documents - Dementia
13 documents on Dementia
- Date
- Relevance
2019-119, due care criteria complied with
Non-straightforward notification, full report of findings, patient with advanced dementia, advance directive, in the event of a ...
2019-79, due care criteria complied with
Non-straightforward notification, full report of findings, patient with advanced dementia, advance directive, in the event of a ...
2019-90, due care criteria complied with
Straightforward notification, full report of findings, request, dementia, doubt about decisional competence, End-of-Life Clinic.
2018-41, due care criteria complied with
Non-straightforward notification, advanced dementia, euthanasia based on an advance directive, premedication.
2018-123, due care criteria complied with
Non-straightforward notification, decisional competence, impairment of functions which were central to the patient’s life.
2018-80, due care criteria complied with
non-straightforward notification, independent physician recommended that depression be ruled out.
2017-14, due care criteria complied with
Non-straightforward notification, disagreement among specialists consulted.
2017-103, due care criteria not complied with
Non-straightforward notification, advance directive, unbearable suffering without prospect of improvement.
2016-62, general practitioner, dementia, voluntary and well-considered request, unbearable suffering without prospect of improvement
2016-62, general practitioner, dementia, voluntary and well-considered request, unbearable suffering whitout prospect of ...
2016-85, elderly-care specialist, dementia, not acted in accordance with the due care criteria
2016-85, elderly-care specialist, dementia, not acted in accordance with the due care criteria, advance